31 Day - Microdosing Challenge 'Come home in your heart & Discover your Soul Purpose.'
Microdosing Challenge: Het 31-Daags Programma van House of Oneness: 'Kom dichterbij je hart en start met het leven van je zielsmissie.'
4.MD -Day 1 Balance
5.Set your intention
6.MD - Day 2 Letter of Frustration part 1
7.MD - Day 3 Letter to reflect part 2
8.Kick of Week 2
9.MD Day 4 Wheel of Balance
10.MD Day 5 Meditation to speak with the medicine
11.MD Day 6 What is your story
12.MD Day 7 Change perspective
13.MD Day 8 Relationships
14.Introduction Week 3
15.MD Day 9 Imagination
16.MD Day 10 Help with dreaming
17.MD Day 10 Stress vs Inner Peace
18.MD Day 11 Take time for yourself
19.Introduction Week 4 Soul Purpose
20. MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 1
21. MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 2
22. MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 3
23. MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 4
24. MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 5
25 MD Day 12 Soul Purpose - step 6
26 MD Day 12 Form your Soul Purpose - step 7
27. MD Day 12 Define the perfect Soul Purpose - step 1
28. MD Day 13 Focus on Dreams
29. MD Day 14 Meditation of Self love
30. Introduction Week 5
31. MD Day 15 Make Decisions
32. MD Day 16 Letter of Intention
33. Thank you