Online Guided Choco Bliss Ceremony
This Online Guided Choco Bliss Ceremony takes you step by step and guides you to your inner journey. From setting up your Ceremony Space to opening your Choco Bliss ceremony.
1.Do you want to know more about Rituals and Plant Medicines?
FREE PREVIEW2.What is Choco Bliss?
FREE PREVIEW3.Why would you do a Choco Bliss Ceremony?
FREE PREVIEW4.What can Choco Bliss bring you?
FREE PREVIEW5.What are the 3 phases of a Ceremony?
FREE PREVIEW6.How do you protect yourself during your Ceremony?
FREE PREVIEW7. Rapé. What is it? Why use?
FREE PREVIEWCeremony Room Checklist
Bliss Experience Suroesh Jazayeri 'From the head to the Heart'
Bliss Experience Yavanna 'Really start living my Soul Purpose'
Bliss Experience Larissa - 'Healing the Past and Discover your Purpose'
Bliss Experience Rubienne de Prez - 'Healing Health issues through Choco Bliss'
Bliss Experience Melanie 'Become a better version of yourself'
Ebook Choco Bliss
Video 1: Introduction Online Choco Bliss Ceremony
Video 2: Preparation
Video 3: about Choco Bliss & what doses to use?
Video 4: What happens after taking the Choco Bliss?
Video 5: Work with your intention
Video 6: Prayer & Set your intention
Video 7: Guided Meditation